Thank you for purchasing QRcdr.
If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here
Thanks so much!


Copy all files and folders from /qrcdr directory to your web space via FTP (put everything in the root if you will use the whole domain as QR-code generator, otherwise create a custom directory and upload everything in it).

Navigate with your browser to the url where you uploaded the files.

That’s all! You are ready to use QRcdr with its default settings.


Default settings are adjustable inside the file config.php:

$_CONFIG = array(
    'lang' => 'en',                             // main language
    'qrcodes_dir' => 'qrcodes',                 // qr codes directory
    'delete_old_files' => true,                 // delete periodically old files
    'file_lifetime' => 24,                      // delete files older than..(hours) from /qrcodes_dir/
    'uploader' => true,                         // let users upload their own logo
    'qr_bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF',                  // default background color for generated qrcodes
    'qr_color' => '#000000',                    // default foreground color for generated qrcodes
    'session_name' => 'qrSession',              // custom session name for the script
    'placeholder' => 'images/placeholder.svg',  // default placeholder
    'link' => true,                             // activate link tab
    'text' => true,                             // activate text tab
    'email' => true,                            // activate email tab
    'location' => true,                         // activate location tab
    'tel' => true,                              // activate telephone tab
    'sms' => true,                              // activate sms tab
    'whatsapp' => true,                         // activate whatsapp tab
    'skype' => true,                            // activate Skype tab
    'zoom' => true,                             // activate Zoom tab
    'wifi' => true,                             // activate wifi tab
    'vcard' => true,                            // activate v-card tab
    'event' => true,                            // activate event tab
    'paypal' => true,                           // activate PayPal tab
    'bitcoin' => true,                          // activate BitCoin tab
    'default_tab' => '#link',                   // available options: #link | #text | #email | #location | #tel | #sms | #whatsapp | #skype | #zoom | #wifi | #vcard | #event | #paypal | #bitcoin
    'detect_browser_lang' => false,             // detect browser language
    'google_api_key' => 'YOUR-API-KEY',         //
    'lat' => '40.7127837',                      // Initial latitude for the location map
    'lng' => '-74.00594130000002',              // Initial longitude for the location map
    'color_primary' => false,                   // main color, used for buttons and header background. set a #hex color or false to get random colors
    'layout' => 'classic',                      // main layout: 'classic' || 'vertical'
    'sidebar' => 'right',                       // sidebar position: 'right' || 'left'
    'accordion' => true,                        // Collapse options menu: true || false
    'rounded_buttons' => '["tabnav", "options", "save"]',   // Rounded buttons: '["tabnav", "options", "save"]' || false
    'debug_mode' => false,                      // set true to track errors
    'precision' => 'H',                         // available: L, M, Q, H
    'relative_path' => '',                      // use this option if you place the main index.php in different location, this must be the path of the main qrcdr directory, relative to the index


If you want to change or hide default watermarks, simply replace or remove the images inside images/watermarks/

.jpg, .gif, .png, .svg files are accepted


You can add your custom fonts for the frame label inside the folder lib/fonts/, the format must be .svg


If you want to enable Google Maps instead of the default OpenMaps you must get one api key here:
and copy it inside the file config.php
Enable Maps Javascript API and also Places API for the same project.

If you want to change the default location, update these values inside the config.php file:

    'lat' => '40.7127837',
    'lng' => '-74.00594130000002',


The attribute 'color_primary' inside the file config.php will set the main color for all the buttons and on the header background.

You have 4 templates called footer.php, header.php, navbar.php and sidebar.php, located inside the folder /template/
Edit their contents or remove them if you don't need that

Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

The privacy policy can be written inside the file /template/_privacy.html
Renaming the file _privacy.html to privacy.html will activate a link "Privacy" inside the footer. the privacy text will be open inside a modal window

Terms and conditions can be written inside the file /template/_terms.html
Renaming the file _terms.html to terms.html will activate a link "Terms and conditions" inside the footer. the privacy text will be open inside a modal window

the terms 'privacy' and 'terms_and_conditions' can be found inside the /translations/ files

Custom pages

Copy or rename the file /template/example.html and place there your custom contents

The name of the file will be loaded with the relative query string to the end of your url: ?p=example


if you have a file called custom.html, its url will be http://...../?p=custom

Manage translations

If you want to add your custom language, duplicate and rename the file lang/en.php using the 2-letters ISO code desired and update also the value 'lang' => 'en' inside your main config file config.php

Language menu is displayed with the following function:

<?php echo qrcdr()->langMenu(); ?>

you can choose if display it as dropdown menu (default) or as simple list, and set a custom class:

<?php echo qrcdr()->langMenu('list', 'customclass'); ?>

The first variable can be 'menu' or 'list', the second is an optional custom class assigned to language menu (default: 'langmenu')

All translatable terms, including page title, description, and meta-keywords are inside the respective .php file in /translations/ folder.

default: /translations/en.php


You can embed your self hosted generator everywhere using iframes:

<iframe width="100%" src="" ></iframe>


Print media styles, Typography, Forms and Tables are based on Bootstrap v4

Icons are based on Font Awesome 4.7